Thursday 27 October 2011

Ten Days Of Slackness

Well we have been very slack not keeping up with the blog. So lets see if I can remember whats been happening in the last week or so.  Been walking and swimming  because the weather has been beautiful. The gym I joined if fantastic so much variety.
Dad arrived last Sunday stayed till today being Friday he had his 77th BIRTHDAY Looks good still quite fit. Took him around a bit saw a few movies together.
Had dinner with Renee and Lillie last Thursday week ago really enjoyed it, bought  her a couple toys she is such a happy little girl.
Been to the Maroochy RSL a few times its very good dancing. 
Michelle my friend stayed one night on her way through to stay with another friend we had a great catch up.
Tony and Es Chris's brother have been here in the park since last Friday  been playing a few games of cards and walking riding swimming.  They come from Boyne Island Tony still works so they go home
in the morning.
Peter and Lyn are now camping here also very old friends from Toowoomba known since I was 14 years old. By the way its been raining most of the time they have been here.  Hope it will clear soon. Going to climb Mt Coolum tomorrow weather permitting.
Also picking up my friend Bernie from Nambour Train station 5.30 today she stays for the weekend. Thats about all I can remember so far one day just blurs into the next.
Oh yes no BANGKOK for me flooding if you havent been watching the news. Will look at a later date just hope we can get our flight money back.
I think thats about it for now.

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